Tuesday, August 27, 2013

New School Year Just Around the Corner

Hi everybody!

Our new school year is just around the corner! Here are some dates and details to help us all get settled in here at Sweetwater.

Open Houses:
- Friday August 30 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.    
- Tuesday September 3  11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

First Day of School:
- Wednesday Sept. 4th

Parent Night for New and Returning (non-kindergarten) Students:
- Wednesday Sept. 11 at 7:00 p.m.  Adults Only

Kinder Parent Night:
- Let's pick a date!

Back to School Picnic:
- Sunday September 15 at Triangle Park (Milton)  2 p.m. - 5 p.m.

Please let me know if you are able to attend the Parent Night. This is an opportunity for teachers and parents to talk about the school year, for parents to meet each other and observe demonstrations of some very cool Montessori materials, such as the Golden Beads and pre-reading materials.

The Open Houses are available for children to get re-acquainted with the teachers and classroom; find their cubby and file (for take-home work); for parents to bring in paperwork, their child's extra clothing and napping supplies.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Get Prepared Now

Please Bring to School:

A complete change of clothing for your child, to be kept at school. Please put the (labeled) clothes (including socks and underwear) in a ziploc bag with your child's name on it. Please check the extra clothing supply frequently throughout the year.

A labeled lunchbox or bag. It is very important to put your child's name on their lunch! If you don't want to use permanent marker, please write it on masking tape.
A blanket, if your child naps (or I should say, if you want your child to nap, as opposed to whether they want to).

Slippers, to be worn in the classroom. Please, no bulky, loose-fitting or scuff slippers. Please label them, to aid identification with duplicates.

Check Your Mail!

New registration materials are coming in the mail to each family (even if you just filled one out last spring). Please make sure I have your current address! If you need a certificate of exemption from immunization for your child, please let me know ASAP, as this needs a signature from a licensed health care provider (unless you belong to a church or religious body whose beliefs or teachings do not allow for medical treatment, in which case the parent's signature will suffice).

You can ask your health care provider if they put vaccination histories onto the CHILD Profile Immunization Registry (Washington's statewide database). If they do, ask them to print the CIS (Certificate of Immunization Status) from the CHILD profile and your child's information will automatically fill in. Be sure to review the information, sign and date the CIS (in upper right hand box) and return it to the school. 

If your doctor's office does not use the CHILD profile, ask for a copy of your child's record and fill the form (CIS) out by hand. We must have the CIS (or exemption) by the first day of school.